The preparatory meeting of the medical associations of the member states of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 29 February to 1 March 1980 to consider the establishment of the Medical Association of South East Asian Nations (MASEAN). This was held in response to the recognition of the importance of mutual cooperation and collective effort among the national medical associations in attaining the highest possible level of healthcare for people in the region and in upholding the image and dignity of the medical profession.

Delegates from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand met to study the feasibility of establishing a cooperative association in order to pool talents and resources, to formulate programmes for studies and research as well as to improve the services in healthcare delivery to the people of our nations. It was envisaged that the framework of the proposed organisation would allow for the exchanges of views, information and resources for projects and programmes. The preparatory meeting culminated in the formation of MASEAN, which was inaugurated on 10 April 1980 in Penang, Malaysia.



The main objectives of MASEAN are:

  • To promote close ties among the national medical associations and physicians in ASEAN;
  • To foster the study and dissemination of all aspects of medical knowledge;
  • To study and report on the problems which confront the profession in the region;
  • and To establish common policies in attaining the highest possible level of healthcare for the people.